Vivai Dalle Rive Zugliano (VI) - Italy

Vivai Dalle Rive Ambiente
Dalle Rive Macchinario
Dettagli Lavorazione Prodotto


40,000 square meters of greenhouses, two houses of 1,000 square meters each and a farm: all rooms heated with an Uniconfort self produced wood chips boiler, contained in a district heating network, which saves about 40 thousand Euro per year, corresponding to the economic value of no longer used diesel. This is what was achieved in the nursery Vivai Dalle Rive di Zugliano, in the province of Vicenza, where the waste from maintenance activities was aimed to transform into a renewable energy resource; thus reducing dependence on diesel.


The company has 80,000 square meters of planted land, of which 40,000 are in greenhouses. Those are being cultivated using modern and rational techniques. Conifers, deciduous, fruit trees and vines, evergreens and flowering plants, climbing, perennials and aquatic plants are planted.


Uniconfort has installed a 700 kW heating plant using mobile grid and fed with a hydraulic pusher. The plant is fed with self produced wood chips, obtained from the scrap of maintenance activities. Utilities, greenhouses, homes and a farm to be built, are connected to the boiler through a district heating network. The plant consumes 400-500 tons of wood chips per year having 40-50% water content. It is a non-standard fuel for which the technical department of research and development of Uniconfort has designed an “ad hoc” system which allows the best use of energy.


  • Thermal power of the boiler: 700 kW
  • Greenhouses: 40.000 m²
  • Planted land: 40.000 m²
  • Annual consumption of wood chips: 400-500 t
  • Economic value of no longer used diesel fuel: 40.000 euro per year
