The Multinational Company of hygiene products decided to rely on Uniconfort and its know-how and technology to become a climate-positive company by 2040. Its goals are reducing the carbon footprint of its production and covering 100% of electricity demand with renewable energy replacing the remaining fossil fuels with climateneutral alternatives such as biomass.
In 2019, the Company continued to expand the on-site generation of renewable energy to different production sites around the world, integrating efficiency and renewable energy already from the design phase. The installation of the Uniconfort Biomass Boiler, that produces about 2 million Kw/hour is an example of the integration of the high standards for sustainability with the Company’s New Adhesive Technologies production facility for aerospace applications in Montornès del Vallès (Spain).
Thanks to this project that includes the use of renewable energies and smart technologies for equipment and infrastructure, the Uniconfort Biomass Plant has gained the title of first production building in Spain with the golden DGNB certification (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen).
The Plant has an Uniconfort Biomass Boiler for the production of thermal energy that provides heating and hot water both for the building itself and for the different industrial processes carried out in the factory. In addition, it can produce cold air through an absorption cycle, allowing the exceeding heat to be used to generate cold. Thanks to this process, 100% of the plant’s heating and cooling needs are covered, both in terms of process and comfort, through the use of a single sustainable source. It uses the energy contained in old pallets and woodchips, combined with other types of biomass.