In the industrial laundry sector, a great innovation that delivers a significant cut in energy expenditure.

A company of Avellino believed in Uniconfort and decided to choose a biomass boiler.

Megalav, company from Ariano Irpino, should provide power to its many customers' equipment that allow them to washing, ironing and packing more than 400,000 kg of line.

Every year Megalav spent over 380 thousand Euros to fuel steam boilers. With the installation of a Uniconfort boiler now the laundry spends about 120 thousand. In addition, the certificates obtained converting to green energy allow them to recoup the investment even faster. What are you waiting for?

Laundries become green!

It comes the need to find an environmentally friendly compromise, to be able to pursue its activities significantly reducing impact to the environment.

The low-sulfur fuel oil, used by many companies in the industry, can not be reconciled with this view. You must prepare for change.

Why Biomass?

The choice to replace the classic diesel boiler, methane, with that biomass essentially entails:

  • about 50% less costs for the production of steam
  • easy management of the boiler
  • zero environmental impact
  • opportunity to take advantage of incentives by white certificates

For the company this means a gain in terms of competitiveness, provides the possibility to deliver a plus for customers, which in turn can produce environmental certificates acquired by their supplier.


Uniconfort takes care of its customers by following all stages, from design, by assisting the customer also aimed at getting the white certificates, to maintenance in the following years. A real turnkey service.
